Move-In the Moment with GOD

You CAN trust God! He will never lead you in the wrong direction. When one seeks and prays for God’s guidance and for answers to life’s circumstances when the answer is presented one can’t standstill. Move-in the moment one must move with the flow of guidance. God has a perfect plan for our lives. The plan might not always look like we think it should, but God knows how to get us from where we are to where we desire to be. It is important that we pay attention to any divine signs!

Are praying for your finances to increase are you missing signs?

Are you receiving divine downloads that include ideas, concepts, and strategies?

Sometimes we miss it because answers don’t come how we expect them to appear. It is essential to be open to new opportunities and to “think outside the box”. This may mean going back to school, learning a new skill, stepping outside of our comfort zone, and many other things. When one moves towards the moment they don’t worry about how things will work out, we trust that they will work out.

That doesn’t mean there won’t be any challenges. Believe that the outcome will be amazing because we are moving in faith. Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith because you are not leaping alone. When God presents you with opportunities so that you can prosper, He is not going to make you move in their direction. You must take action and “seize the moment”. You must believe in yourself and your ability to fulfill God’s divine plan for your life.

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