Tips for studying the Bible for beginners or experienced believers. It can be hard trying to find ways to study the bible with Jesus around our already busy lifestyles. We are not taught in church how to read the bible, but studying the bible is a very important activity of
For some Christian living doesn’t mean it is easy to adjust your lifestyle. The challenges and difficulties of this way of life are designed to help us grow to have Jesus Christ’s values and the character of God. One must learn to think and act like God as he wants
Life coaching from a Christ-centered approach begins with the fact that God empowers and enables you to be all that you’re destined to be. Here are two simple ways to tell if you really love the LORD: You do what He says, and, just like any child obey a parent,
Ana Leonardy Life Coach Piano Instrumental Music to help you Pray & Relax Discover if being life coached is something you would like to explore contact us!
Ana Leonardy Life Coach Christian Life Coaching Ana Leonardy Life Coach Kennesaw Georgia Explains “Why A Christian Life Coach” Christian life coaches approach life coaching from a Godly perspective. Ana Leonardy partners with you, offering support, encouragement, and challenges to enable you to become all that God has in mind
Move-In the Moment with GOD You CAN trust God! He will never lead you in the wrong direction. When one seeks and prays for God’s guidance and for answers to life’s circumstances when the answer is presented one can’t standstill. Move-in the moment one must move with the flow of